We are passionately devoted to catalyzing transformative change towards a more sustainable and equitable world by using a systemic, empowering and rigorously innovative approach to evaluation, strategy and learning.

Our core values —quality, collaboration, empowerment, trust, openness— inform everything we do, from our relationships with partners and clients to the methodologies we use and the way we deliver.


We strive for the highest quality of thought in designing and combining (qual, quant, and parti) methods to generate robust and credible evidence with optimal learning value for all those affected and involved.

Our approach embraces epistemic, ontological and methodological pluralism to uphold inclusive rigour, based on the premise that single truth claims don’t yield sustainable solutions.

Approach and methods are not a supermarket packaged meal for heating in a microwave: they are cooked from raw materials selected to fit the occasion. The growing range and accessibility of ingredients gives scope for new recipes, for (…) new combinations and inventions.

Robert Chambers (2017). Can We Know Better? Page 99.