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About us
Who we are
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Approach & Models Overview
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Double Diamond (4D)
Methods overview
Theory of System Change (ToSC)
Participatory Sensemaking
Participatory Market Mapping
Outcome Harvesting
Participatory Statistics
Constituent Voice
Sustainable Return on Investment
Contribution Tracing
Configurational Analysis
Conventional Statistics and Quasi Experiments
Projects Overview
Evaluation Projects
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Innovation Capacity Projects
Partnership Projects
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Holland J et al (2018). Getting the Most Out of Participatory Impact Assessment: Reflections from a Multi-Country Cash Transfer Impact Assessment. CDI Practice Paper 19. IDS.
Heinemann E, Van Hemelrijck A and Gujit I. (2017). Getting the most out of impact evaluation for learning, reporting and influence. IFAD Research Series (16).
Van Hemelrijck A. (2013). Powerful Beyond Measure? Measuring complex systemic change in collaborative settings. Chapter 2 in: Sustainable Participation and Culture in Communication. Intellect.
Van Hemelrijck A and Gujit I. (2016). Balancing Inclusiveness, Rigour and Feasibility: Insights from Participatory Impact Evaluations in Ghana and Vietnam. CDI Practice Paper (14). IDS.
Van Hemelrijck A. (2017). Rising to the Challenges of Impact Evaluation. Insights from Piloting a Systemic and Participatory Approach. Chapter 19 in: Van Den Berg. Evaluation for Agenda 2030. IDEAS.
Holland J and Chambers R. (2013). Who Counts? The power of Participatory Statistics. Practical Action.
Holland J. et al. (2017). The Livelihood Impacts of Cash Transfers in Sub-Saharan Africa: Beneficiary Perspectives from Six Countries. World Development. Elsevier.
Publications Gallery
Van Hemelrijck A, Cubides Alvarez P, Giordano N, Olmedo P, and Sri Hidayati N. (2025). Final Evaluation of Rainforest Alliance’s LandScale Initiative.
Van Hemelrijck A and Holand J. (2024). Mid-Term Review of the Nordic Africa Institute’s 2022-2026 Strategy.
Van Hemelrijck A. (2025). IFAD’s Investment in Agroecology Value Chains Project (IAVCP) in India: Outcome-focused Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Framework.
Ling A, Singh G, and Van Hemelrijck A. (2025). Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (MEL) Discovery Report. Elevating MEL from a compliance tool to a strategic driver of change in IFAD’s India portfolio.
Ling A, Singh G, Van Hemelrijck A, Bowman K and Folsom A. (2024). Collaborative Learning Network Measurement & Learning. Towards an Integrated, Inclusive and Utilisation-Focused Framework.
Van Hemelrijck A, Holland J, and Wuyt E. (2023). Independent Evaluation of the Developmental Leadership Program (DLP). Evaluation Report. Collaborative Impact.
Holland J. & Rishal P. (2023). Measuring Social Norm Change Through Storytelling: Baseline Report. UN Women Nepal.
Van Hemelrijck A, Wuyts E & Singh N. (2022). Empower Youth for Work. End of term evaluation. Final report.
Carloni R & Van Hemelrijck A. (2022). End-of-term Evaluation of the Empower Youth for Work (EYW) Programme. Infographic Booklet.
Van Hemelrijck A. & Holland J. (2022). Evaluation of the Commonwealth Secretariat’s Strategic Plan 2017/18-2020/21. Commonwealth Secretariat Evaluation Series 123.
Holland J, Van Hemelrijck A, and Erspamer, A. (2021). Commonwealth Foundation Strategy 2017-2021 Review. Final report. Commonwealth Foundation.
Barney I, Castillo G and Holland J. (2021). Trade, Enterprise and Employment, Programme: Final Evaluation. Collaborative Impact.
Lumaldo N and Holland J. (2020). Evaluation of the contribution of Port Moresby's Active City Development Programme to Citizen Wellbeing and Empowerment. Collaborative Impact.
Castillo G, Hankey W and Van Hemelrijck A. (2020). Building a Learning Agenda for the Oxfam Climate Initiative (OCI). Oxfam Resilience Knowledge Hub.
Holland J, Castillo G, Van Hemelrijck A, and Newman D. (2019). CGIAR 2030 Plan. Review of CGIAR Research Program and Platform Modalities.
Van Hemelrijck A. and Holland J. (2019). Evaluation of 'Port Moresby: A Safe City for Women and Girls' Program'. UN Women.
Van Hemelrijck A. (2019). Resilience in Bangladesh. Impact Evaluation of the Promoting Sustainable Building in Bangladesh (PSBiB) Project. Oxfam GB.
Van Hemelrijck A. (2018). Urban WASH Governance in Pakistan. Impact evaluation of the ‘Improving Urban WASH Governance and Accountability’ (IUWGA) project. Oxfam GB.
Holland J, Van Hemelrijck A and Newman D. (2017). IIED external review 2012-2016: final report. IIED.
Van Hemelrijck A and Kyei-Mensah G. (2017). Nigeria IP Development Workshop. The Value Web.
Van Hemelrijk A. (2017). Governance in Myanmar. Evaluation of the "Building resilient livelihoods in the Dry Zone" project. Oxfam GB.
Van Hemelrijck A and Goh Z. (2016). Methodological reflections on the use of SenseMaker for impact M&E of Adaptation in the Mekong Delta (AMD). IFAD.
Van Hemelrijck A. and Kyei-Mensah G. (2015). Final Report on the Participatory Impact Evaluation of the Root & Tuber Improvement and Marketing Programme (RTIMP). IFAD.
Barney I. (2015). Building Resilient Livelihoods towards Local Economic Development: A CAFOD Guide to Enterprise Development. CAFOD.
Guijt I. (2014). Impact Assessment of the Doing Business with the Rural Poor Project (DBRP) in Bến Tre, Viet Nam (2008-2013). IFAD.
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