We use PIALA to co-design and implement strategy and portfolio reviews, MEL frameworks and project/programme evaluations. The approach builds on the premise that rigour, validity and utility are enhanced when evaluation methods and processes are thoughtfully designed and combined to include multiple views, values, realities, types of knowledge, and ways of knowing, taking into account participants’ resources and capabilities to engage. This inclusion leads to deeper and collective understanding of complex change in more authentic and empowering ways. Drawing on our core values, PIALA translates our overall approach into an evaluative learning and adaptive management practice.
We use Matter’s Design Forum model and principles to structure and facilitate Participatory Sensemaking processes in PIALA-based evaluations. We combine PIALA with Design Forum using Strategic Foresight tools in formative and forward-looking strategy review and design processes, aimed at developing evidence-based transition pathways that are based on variables of the future (rather than the past).
We use the Double Diamond (or 4D) model combined with PIALA for developing evidence-based innovation pathways and MEL frameworks that require people-centred design thinking.