Enhancing cross-sectoral and cross-divisional collaboration with UNICEF Programme Division towards achieving the SDGs

UNICEF Programme Division


Strategy and Learning,
Innovation Capacity


Social Justice and Empowerment

In 2015, Matter Group was asked to help UNICEF Programme Division develop its 2018-2021 Office Management Plan and Integrated Resource & Results Framework (IRRF) as part of UNICEF’s overall 2018-2021 Strategy. Adinda Van Hemelrijck, Collaborative Impact’s founder, engaged as a co-lead in this work, to assist with the technical and methodological aspects of an impact-focused approach.

UNICEF’s intent is to provide equitable chances for all children and assert their rights through the strengthening of global and national systems, providing health, education, justice and social protection, and other services. Its global Programme Division influences these systems by setting global norms and standards based on good practice (global public goods) and developing effective delivery and post-delivery platforms (development effectiveness).

With the focus on delivering on UNICEF’s critical contributions to achieving the SDGs, UNICEF’s Global Programme Division felt this required a shift in its office planning process and ways of working. Matter Group was asked to design and facilitate a four-day off-site strategic planning retreat that would boost synergies and collaborations across Sectors and Divisions.

Collaborative Impact colleagues helped with conducting an office-wide needs assessment, and spearheaded the development of the Causal Change Model and the drafting of the Integrated Resource & Results Framework.

“The Causal Change Model illustrates the path from PD actions to the impact on children’s rights and highlights the need for synergy. A key strategic aim for this OMP is therefore enhancement of cross-sectoral and inter-divisional synergies and shared results, through a well-developed IRRF along with Annual Work Plans (AWPs) and Annual Management Plans (AMPs) which support and encourage collaboration within and between business units.”

PD Office Management Plan (2017: 7)

“An important aspect of this process was the step-change in the collaborative and participatory spirit between the Sections that reflects an novel attitude of: we’re all in this together, and thus can only make it work together.”

PD Office Management Plan (2017: 15)