Our Services

Evaluation for Impact. We help our clients and partners to understand and assess their ways towards transformative change and impact in a more systemic and empowering way, inclusive of different voices while also rigorous. We master the entire methodological field and bring in-depth knowledge of process, outcome and impact assessment methodologies in the realist, theory-based, transformative evaluation traditions. Learn about our evaluation projects.

Strategy and Learning for Impact. We help design and adapt strategies and evaluative learning frameworks, and make them future-oriented and investment-ready, geared towards achieving transformative change and impact in complex environments. Learn about our strategy and learning projects.

Innovation Capacity for Impact. We support transformative change far beyond our own reach, by helping our clients and partners to innovate and embed new methods, structures and ways of working into their organisations and the communities they work with. Learn about our innovation capacity projects.

Partnership for Impact. We help to build and strengthen partnerships for impact through the various stages of intentional collaboration: collective visioning and building shared intent, developing a shared Theory of System Change, identifying gaps and needs, understanding the broader ecosystem, designing and building community, assessing collective impact, and learning for improvement. Learn about our partnership strengthening projects.


Our Areas

Icons by the Noun Project.